Ethereum: How can I convert the wallet.aes.json file from to a wallet.dat file?

Converting an Ethereum Wallet File to a Bitcoin-QT Wallet

In this article, we will walk you through the process of converting your Ethereum Wallet file (wallet.aes.json) to a native Bitcoin-Qt wallet. To do this, we will use the command line tools cryptography, bitcoin-cli, and xml2js.


  • Install the required packages:
  • cryptography (python) using pip: pip install cryptography
  • Using tools like bitcoin-cli, apt-get, or brew on Linux or macOS: sudo apt-get install bitcoin-cli or brew install bitcoin-cli
  • xml2js (javascript) for parsing JSON files
  • Make sure you have your Ethereum wallet file in a readable format.

1. Step 1: Convert Ethereum Wallet File to Bitcoin-QT Format

Ethereum: How can I convert a wallet.aes.json file from to a wallet.dat file?

First, we convert the Ethereum wallet file (wallet.aes.json) to Bitcoin-Qt format. This is done using the cryptography and bitcoin-cli packages.

Navigate to your project directory

cd /path/to/your/project

Convert wallet.aes.json to bitcoin-qt/wallet.dat

cryptography.openencfswallet -w wallet.aes.json -o bitcoin-qt/wallet.dat --format bitcoin-qt

  • Replace /path/to/your/project with the actual path to your project directory.

This command will create a new file named bitcoin-qt/wallet.dat. This is the wallet file in Bitcoin-Qt format that can be used for local storage.

Step 2: Check the translation

To confirm that the conversion was successful, we need to check if the wallet data in both formats matches. We can use the bitcoin-cli tool to compare the two files:

Navigate to your Bitcoin-Qt wallet directory

cd /path/to/your/bitcoin-qt/wallet

Compare the two wallets (Note: You may need to install the xml2js library globally)

bitcoin-cli dumpwallet --format bitcoin-qt

This command will dump the contents of your Ethereum and Bitcoin-Qt wallets. If the data is the same, the conversion was successful.

Additional instructions:

  • Make sure you have the correct permissions to read and write the files in the wallet directory.

**You can use cryptography to generate a new wallet file if you need to start from scratch.

  • Be careful with any changes to the Bitcoin-Qt model as it is not directly compatible with Ethereum.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully convert an Ethereum wallet file (wallet.aes.json) to a native Bitcoin-Qt wallet.

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