Ethereum: Backup an Electrum Wallet

Backing Up Your Ethereum Wallet: A Step-by-Step Guide

As an Ethereum network user, you probably know how important it is to back up your wallet in case something happens. Losing your access can lead to significant financial losses. In this article, we will guide you through the process of backing up your Electrum wallet on Ubuntu.

Why Back Up Your Wallet?

Before we proceed, it is important to understand why backing up your wallet is important:

  • If your computer crashes or gets stolen, you may lose access to your funds.
  • A backup ensures that you can restore your wallet and recover your money in an emergency.
  • This way, you can continue to use the same wallet for future transactions.

Step 1: Download Electrum

First, download the Electrum wallet software from the official website. The latest version is available in the Ubuntu repositories, so be sure to use your package manager to install it:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install electrum


Step 2. Back up your wallet

To back up your Electrum wallet, follow these steps:

  • Open a terminal and navigate to the directory where you saved the downloaded wallet file.
  • Run the following command to back up your wallet using the Walletbackup tool:

./walletbackup -d /path/my/wallet.json

  • Replace “/path/to/your/wallet.json” with the actual path to your Electrum wallet JSON file.

This will create a backup of your wallet in the specified location. Don’t forget to write down your wallet password, as you will need it to restore your wallet later.

Step 3. Recover your wallet

Ethereum: Backing up an Electrum wallet

If you need to return your wallet and get your money back:

  • Open Electrum and log in with the same credentials you used during the initial installation.
  • Go to
    Settings >
    Wallet Settings


  • In the Backup tab, select the backup file you created earlier (walletbackup.json).
  • Click
    Restore Wallet.

Your wallet will now be restored from the backup file and you can recover your funds if needed.

By following these steps, you will have a safe and reliable backup of your Electrum wallet and ensure that your Ethereum funds are protected in case something happens to your computer or wallet.

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